Insights & Resources

Recruiters' attention key to job hunting in some fields

Examples in this column are fictionalized to protect privacy.

In some occupations, recruiters are the gatekeepers. If you are looking for a position in one of these fields, knowing how to connect with them is critical to landing a job.

Arthur was an orthopedic surgeon in his late 40s. In the beginning, he’d loved everything about his work. But after more than 20 years, he was ready for a change. In the initial phase of our work, he decided he wanted to be the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for a hospital—a big leap.

The position he was going after is typical of the kind of occupation where recruiters are used. Search firms tend to concentrate on high-paying fields where the occupational credentials are very specific. Other examples include finance, information technology and top level business management. If you are in doubt about whether a specific type of position uses recruiters, check with people who work in the occupation.

Read More: Recruiters’ attention key to job hunting in some fields - by Anna Navarro, St. Louis Business Journal

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