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Law360: Pennsylvania Was A Hotbed For First-Half Law Firm Mergers

Law360: Pennsylvania Was A Hotbed For First-Half Law Firm Mergers
Summary: In this Law360 article by Aebra Coe, Lori Carpenter and others were asked to comment on the higher law firm merger activity in the state of Pennsylvania in comparison to other states, and what could be driving that activity, for the first half of 2024. 

With practice overlaps among Philadelphia, New York and D.C., competition for talent is intense, with many small firms finding themselves struggling to keep up. Many smaller firms can't pay lawyers as much as large firms as they attempt to attract clients based on lower billing rates, and yet many feel the need to grow in order to better serve those same clients. - Lori Carpenter

Read full article here:

(Image by Gerd Altmann, Pixabay)

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